About Us

At Https://apec.globalentry-online.com, we believe that the process of preparing APEC CARD pass applications should be easy to understand, simple to complete, and accessible to every qualified person. The purpose of our site is to meet all of those goals.

We have created an easy-to-use, plain English, do-it-yourself printable form for our customers to prepare and complete their APEC CARD applications. Our step-by-step guided process has successfully helped countless hardworking people successfully apply for their own APEC CARD card.

By utilizing our service, our customers ensure that their APEC CARD pass applications is mistake-free, so that when their application arrives at the Customs and Border Protection Agency it is processed with no delays.

Our customized interview instructions tell our customers what documents to take to their compulsory interview; you don’t have to read through multiple pages of complicated instructions to figure this out on your own.

Our loyal team of trusted agents are kept up-to-date with all aspects of the APEC CARD application process.

We are a private entity and not a law firm or affiliated with the United States government.